We have had a busy couple days, continuing our learning about Orange Shirt Day, and about how we can be a positive part of Truth and Reconciliation. We read a couple more books about it today - ask me which I liked the best and why:
We did lots of writing about Orange Shirt Day as well. We wrote about why we wear orange on Orange Shirt Day. Ask me what I wrote about! We also added some new words to our word wall: because, day, orange, school
We learned to draw the province of Alberta, and we mapped out where Treaty 7 land is. We learned that there were two residential schools within the city of Calgary. See if I remember some of the names of the First Peoples who lived where we are living now! To help me remember, we have been learning the Land Acknowledgement of the Calgary Public Library:

We wrote our names on pieces of Orange Ribbon as a promise that we would always remember the children who had to go to Residential Schools and to remember that Every Child Matters:
For the past two days in math we have been working on representing numbers using numerals, words, and dice. Help me learn to read and spell all the number words to Twenty:
Don't forget our Terry Fox Run is on Friday, Oct. 2!
EHS Terry Fox Run: Friday, October 2
Wear your Eric Harvie School colours (blue & orange) on Friday, October 2.
This year is the 40th Anniversary of Terry Fox’s Marathon of Hope and Eric Harvie School is proud to be continuing the legacy of one of our greatest heroes. Please join us and support this wonderful cause by donating to: http://www.terryfox.ca/EricHarvieSchool. Together, we can all make a difference! #terryfoxschoolruns @terryfoxfoundation
Bring you ‘toonies for Terry’ and drop them off at your school entrance door every morning during the week. Eric Harvie School raised over 4000.00 last year and even more in previous years. Let’s reach for that again this year!
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